WEA is committed to providing a safe, friendly learning environment for its students. Attire is not only a reflection of the individual student but also of the general learning environment. Therefore, students have the responsibility to wear clothing that projects a positive attitude of pride in self, school, and the community. Students are required to wear appropriate, comfortable, and safe clothing that is neat, clean, and in good taste. No article of clothing, jewelry, hair style or accessory shall be worn that distracts from the educational process. The Dress Code is a serious issue and WEA expects parents to promote the observance of this policy. Building administrators have the final decision as to the appropriateness of all clothing and attire.
School Closing Information
WEA will follow Mrs. Lewin's decision for closings and delays due to inclement weather. When weather conditions are marginal, parents/guardians should stay tuned for updates on local media sources. Whenever possible, a call will be made to all student's homes using the “One Call Now” system to alert families of closings if we must close during the day; as well as posting on our Facebook, Instagram, and Class Dojo. We will contact the media for public announcements and make every effort to contact our families.